The Valley of Gwangi

-Howdy there, partner.

And to what do we owe
this unpeasant surprise?

-'m just ooking around.
-For troube.

They say it comes in threes.
wonder what the next two wi be.

Hey, you can't go in there!
Get out.
-Been a ong time, T.J.
-Do you want to get kied?

You're the one
who's aways trying it out there.

Don't start that again.
You and me are gonna have
a nice itte tak...

...or might just
put you across my knee.

Fat chance. This is T.J., remember?
Sure, remember.
-f you don't mind, 'd ike to change.
-We, go on, go ahead.

Hey, you hesitated up there,
before the jump.

The sight of you woud upset
your own mother.

-Not puing much of a crowd.
-We pay Viarosa next.

Things wi be better there.
-You sure?
-Sure, 'm sure.

-Why is that?
-What do you care?

You've got your own business now.
Yep. That's right. A one-man operation.
Sitting in a nice office,
buying and seing acts...

...instead of getting knocked off
horses for 1 0 bucks.

-t's haf the risk, twice the pay.
-So mind your own business.

'm doing just that.
Got a dea for you, T.J.

Get you off the hook with
this broken-down, moth-eaten rodeo.

-f you got a brain, you' take it.

Buffao Bi wants to buy Omar the
Wonder Horse. He's offering a good price.

-And you get 1 0°%, right?

We, you're not getting
one thin dime out of me.

And Buffao Bi is not getting Omar.
And you needn't think you can come...

...busting in here ike some hick-town
horse-deaer trying to ruin my show.
