The Valley of Gwangi

Hey, you hesitated up there,
before the jump.

The sight of you woud upset
your own mother.

-Not puing much of a crowd.
-We pay Viarosa next.

Things wi be better there.
-You sure?
-Sure, 'm sure.

-Why is that?
-What do you care?

You've got your own business now.
Yep. That's right. A one-man operation.
Sitting in a nice office,
buying and seing acts...

...instead of getting knocked off
horses for 1 0 bucks.

-t's haf the risk, twice the pay.
-So mind your own business.

'm doing just that.
Got a dea for you, T.J.

Get you off the hook with
this broken-down, moth-eaten rodeo.

-f you got a brain, you' take it.

Buffao Bi wants to buy Omar the
Wonder Horse. He's offering a good price.

-And you get 1 0°%, right?

We, you're not getting
one thin dime out of me.

And Buffao Bi is not getting Omar.
And you needn't think you can come...

...busting in here ike some hick-town
horse-deaer trying to ruin my show.

There's peope depending on me:
Champ, Caros, Bean, Rowdy.

But you woudn't know much
about oyaty, woud you?

-This is business.
-You pay your con tricks...

...and ' stick to horse tricks.
Now beat it.

My, my. Aways did ook sweet in a temper.
-Get out, said.
-A right, 've hotter irons in the fire.

You just keep strugging, eaping off
patforms into a pot of water.

Break your neck if you want to.
Makes no difference to me.

Just worried about that horse up there.
Woudn't ike anything to happen to him.

Excuse me.
Good for you, T.J. You shoud've done
that a ong time ago. Thrown him out.
