
But we are not an ism!
We are a democracy!
We won't forbid the meeting.
Nor will we forbid
the opposition from demonstrating!
With these healthy anti-bodies,
we must fight all diseases
of both the vine
as well as Society!

That's all I have to say.
Bear it in mind
during the days to come!

- Having lunch?
- Rapidly!

I'll take you to your plane.
- Thank you!
- It's my pleasure!

Tell my wife
I'll pick her up this evening.

An excursion
for the Bolshoï ballerinas!

From Moscow?
The Bolshoï Ballet is here
for 4 days. They open tonight.

- Stay over! You can sit in my box.
- I must return to the capital.

Ah, the capital! The palace!
The Palace thinks well of you!
What if one of them
chose freedom here?

Like that famous dancer...
No, none of that!
For freedom they pick London
or the US where the money's stable!

We have enough hot-heads in town!
Enough problems!

Stop! Take that down!
No permit's needed
for a meeting indoors!

I don't want any trouble!
Get a permit to use the hall!

Do as I say!
Bring me your permit!
Or meet elsewhere!
Take it down!
