
Final approach turn in one mile.
Maintain 2,000 feet.

You need not acknowledge
further transmissions.

Global two, turn right,
heading two-niner-five.

Approaching glidepath
in one mile.

You're cleared to land
runway two-niner.

Wind 300 degrees.
30, gusting 35.

Now intercepting glidepath.
Begin normal rate of descent.

On course.
lf no transmissions received
for five seconds on final,

abandon radar approach and make
straight-in l.L.S. approach.

Now six miles from touchdown.
Course and glidepath good.

Now drifting left.
Turn further right, heading 305.

Slightly high on glidepath.
Adjust your descent.

[Frantic shouting and crying]
MAN: Keep your head down!
GROUND CONTROL: Passing five
miles from touchdown.

Going through glidepath.
Adjust your descent.

Now 100 feet low.
Ease your aircraft up.

Four miles from touchdown.
Turn left, heading 301,

returning to glidepath.
Now on glidepath.
Check wheels down and locked.

Cleared to land.
Three miles from touchdown.
Course good.

Slightly low on glidepath.
Ease it up a little.

Surface wind gusting
to 35 knots.

Two miles from touchdown.
Course good. Glidepath good.

Looks OK. Advise when
approach lights in sight.
