
Help! Help!
Help him!
- What?
- Help him! Help him!

- Help who?
- Help the bombardier!

- I'm the bombardier, I'm all right.
- Then help him. Help him!

- Snowden.
- What'd he say?

- He said, "Snowden".
- Snowden's dead.

- Why is he talking to a dead man?
- He's Captain Yossarian. He's crazy.

- Who says so?
- I do.

- Cos I hate that son of a bitch?
- Who?

- Colonel Cathcart.
- I didn't ask you, Orr.

- Colonel Cathcart isn't here.
- Who said anything about him?

- Colonel Korn isn't here.
- Who said anything about him?

- What son of a bitch do you hate?
- What son of a bitch is here?

- You don't make any sense.
- You've got a persecution complex.

- Damn right.
- You admit it!

I admit I'm being persecuted.
By them!

- Who specifically is "them"?
- All of them! Who do you think?

- No idea!
- Then how do you know they aren't?

- That's sheer what-do-you-call-it.
- Sophistry.

Like hell it is.
They're trying to kill me!
