Rio Lobo

What did you get
when you signed out?

Two dollars.
- Where are you heading?
- I'll just look around.

I'm going back to Texas.
The man who brought me up
has a ranch in Rio Lobo.

Two dollars won't get you very far.
Since you've been locked up, our pay's
been coming through regularly.

That'll get you to Texas.
You can owe me.

I never thought
I'd want to kiss a Yank.

If we run into one of those fellas
you're after, where can we reach you?

Blackthorne, Texas.
That's near your Rio Lobo country.

The Sheriff there
can get in touch with me.

I see the Sheriff of Blackthorne County
has earned some bounty money.

One of these little hides
can buy a lot of drinks.

- Good to see you.
- Thanks.

I was wonderin' when you'd show up.
I got your message
that Pierre Cordona wanted to see me.

Yeah. He got in last night.
He's at the hotel.
Come on in. I'll give you a drink.

What's it all about, Cord?
Can you tell me why you're here?

Didn't Cordona grab
a coupla army payrolls from the Yanks?

That's right.
I heard that you captured him
and put him in a prison camp.

You heard right.
Cord, you're not fixing on causing
any trouble? I wouldn't like that.

Don't worry, Pat.
Besides, you're too good
for that young fella.

There's no hard feelings between us.
The war's over.

Oh, that's good.
Then why do you want to see him?

The only reason Cordona
could get away with those payrolls,

was because some people on
our side were selling him information.
