THX 1138

You know what l want? Ideas... One idea,One idea could get us out of here if it was the right idea. You know what l mean? Not a bunch of facts. Who even knows if they're facts? He probably makes them up in his sleep. The time has come to act.
We've just got to be sure it's the right idea. But we'll find it. We'll know it when we see it. I'll know it when l see it. Clear and straight forward and plain as the nose on your face.
Of course it is true that no one has ever returned once they were taken away, history tells us that, but it is idle to speculate about the reasons why and absurd to torture oneself over an idle speculation as NlN is doing. NlN has in fact destroyed himself many times over with worry. LOO 3122, who has taken away not long before you arrived, believed that he was going to a wonderful place where he would be happy, and in so believing he created a veritable paradise for himself right here. Unfortunately, not all of us can have the positive conviction of LOO, but thankfully not all of us are burdened with the ominous forebodings of NlN. I myself have found that concentrating...
That's what l mean by the wrong idea.
I am not going to try to prove the usefulness of history, it is genuinely too obvious to need proof. We see before us innumerable scenes, like what we just witnessed, that succeed each other in endless repetition. Where we see the same faults followed regularly by the same misfortunes, we may reasonably...
Don't you think you could do something about that? It's very distracting.
... we may reasonably think that if we could have known the first we could have avoided the second. The past should enlighten us on the future, knowledge of history is no more than an anticipated experience.
You're wrong! They're going to destroy him!
I can just barely see him. I think he's leaving.
I don't see anything.
I can't see him at all. He's been destroyed.
No, look! Three degrees from the central azimuth.
He's free! Can't you see: he's free!
I can see him. He's coming back.
Where? Oh... there he is. He must have been stopped.
He's coming back for the rest of us. He can't make it alone.
I wonder how far he went. He's gathered invaluable information out there.
The reckless fool. I'm not responsible.
What happened?
How far did you go? Was it cold?
You have nothing to fear. You're safe again.
Wait! I'll talk to him.
