THX 1138

I can't see him at all. He's been destroyed.
No, look! Three degrees from the central azimuth.
He's free! Can't you see: he's free!
I can see him. He's coming back.
Where? Oh... there he is. He must have been stopped.
He's coming back for the rest of us. He can't make it alone.
I wonder how far he went. He's gathered invaluable information out there.
The reckless fool. I'm not responsible.
What happened?
How far did you go? Was it cold?
You have nothing to fear. You're safe again.
Wait! I'll talk to him.
Ask him about the air. He looks out of breath.
Can you speak? Can you hear me?
I want to help you. You can help us. Here, take a biscuit.
You understand me, can you speak?
I think he's deficient.
I don't think so. Why don't you go find something else to do?
Then why doesn't he speak? Can't he hear? I don't think he knows.
