THX 1138

If you go back on sedation,
you won't feel the same way about me.

You'll report me for drug violation.
I've got a slip movement to install
on my next shift.

I'll never make it the way I am now.
I wouldn't turn you in, not now.
- You don't...
- I know I wouldn't.

You can do it without etracene.
- You can. I know you can.
- Then what?

It can't go on forever, you know it can't.
We could leave.
And live in the superstructure.
You only have one more shift left,
don't you?

We could be gone
before the next series started.

It's all right.
- It's all right.
- Standing by.

What's this?
I have to see SEN.
I've just been given a shift change.
- When?
- Now.

- Now?
- He wants me to come to his quarters.

A shift change should come
through scheduling.

Why should he want to see you?
I don't know.
- Don't go.
- I have to. He's a G34.

You don't have to.
I don't trust him.
You ought to file a report.
