The Great White Hope

- You did not travel there
to be with Mr. Jefferson?
- No, I didn't.

I met him on the boat
coming back.

- How did he approach you?
- He didn't.

- I asked the captain to introduce us.
- May I ask why?

Yes. I wanted to
make his acquaintance.

And once you had, Miss Bachman,
what did he propose to you?

That I have dinner at his table.
- Which you did for several evenings.
- Yes.

- Until you began taking
your meals in his stateroom.
- Yes, that's correct.

Where a great deal of wine
and champagne was consumed.

Well, you might say that.
Presumably he would keep
filling your glass.

- When it was empty, yes.
- Uh-huh. Ten times per evening?

No, I drank very little.
- How often did he give you medicine or pills?
- Never. I wasn't ill.

But the steward reports
you hardly left the stateroom.

Didn't you feel...
strange? Sleepy?

I felt uncomfortable at how people
looked at me. I wasn't used to it.

- He took you from the boat to the hotel.
- Yes.

Did you ask to be taken there?
- No, I just went with him.
- What had he promised you?

- To spend some of his time with me.
- Nothing else?

Nothing that would interest you.
he's provided you with money.

He's given me presents, yes.
Your railway ticket to Chicago... did you
buy that or was that a sort of present?

Um, I honestly
don't remember.

- I... I believe I bought it, though.
- Thank you.

You've parried these questions
very well.

I didn't come here
to tell lies, Mr. Cameron.

I wanted to head off any notion
you have of getting atJack through me.

I hope I've done that.
Well, yes, I'm afraid you have.
Frankly, though...
I admire you for it.
