The Great White Hope

- He took you from the boat to the hotel.
- Yes.

Did you ask to be taken there?
- No, I just went with him.
- What had he promised you?

- To spend some of his time with me.
- Nothing else?

Nothing that would interest you.
he's provided you with money.

He's given me presents, yes.
Your railway ticket to Chicago... did you
buy that or was that a sort of present?

Um, I honestly
don't remember.

- I... I believe I bought it, though.
- Thank you.

You've parried these questions
very well.

I didn't come here
to tell lies, Mr. Cameron.

I wanted to head off any notion
you have of getting atJack through me.

I hope I've done that.
Well, yes, I'm afraid you have.
Frankly, though...
I admire you for it.
Not many women...
You're quite devoted
to him, aren't you?

Yes, I love him,
Mr. Cameron.

He's a splendid man, really.
L- In many ways.

- No one doubts that, you know.
- No, I've never doubted it.

- Magnificent fighter...
- Oh, that's not all he is.

He's generous and he's kind
and he's sensitive.

Why are you smiling?
I'm sorry.
It's how you shy away
from the, uh, physical attraction.

I embarrassed you.
Forgive me.

I'm not ashamed
of wanting Jack for a lover.

- I wanted him that way.
- Of course you did.

- And he would want you.
- Why? Because I'm white?

No. I just meant that
any man would be proud...

Mr. Cameron, I'm proud
that he wanted me. Is that clear?

Certainly. Don't be distressed.
Why can't they leave us alone?
What's the difference...

There shouldn't be
a difference, ideally.

People shouldn't be so blind
about the physical side.
