The Owl and the Pussycat

He's a very nice looking person.
You're not so bad yourself. I'm not kiddin'.
Aren't you going to talk to me anymore?
I'm sorry if I used all that vulgar language.
I'm sorry that you got bounced
out of your place and everything.

It's just that I was so goddamn...
- I mean, gosh darned mad.
- You had a right to be upset.

Considering the facts,
your conduct was exemplary.

Gee, you sure know
some terrific big words.

Language is my business.
You okay in there?
What're you doin'?
Brushing my teeth.
Make much money at it?
Brushing my teeth
is not the attraction that it used to be.

No, I meant writing.
I don't write to make money.
You'd take it if they gave it to you,
wouldn't you?

Yes, but it would be inconsistent
with my esthetic responsibilities.

I understand "with" and "my".
They would give me money
to write their way.

I want to write my way.
I guess they figure it's their money.
Yes, I think that's the way they figure.
Goodnight, Doris.
