The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes

and after all,
she is now thirty-eight.

l must say,
she doesn't look thirty-eight.

That is because
she is forty-nine.

So Madame has decided
to leave ballet...

and spend life
bringing up her child.

How admirable.
Problem is how to find father.
Oh, is he missing?
And that's why
you've called me in.

Also correct.
We must have father.
Because without father,
how could there be child?

Oh, l see.
The whole thing is still
in the planning stage.

Correct again.
Madame would like child...
to be brilliant
and beautiful.

Since she is beautiful,
she needs man who is brilliant.

Zo sdarovya!
What's in it?
What does it taste like?
Red pepper.
That's what's in it.
l beg your pardon?
Madame would like to know
when you can be ready.

-To leave for Venice.

All the arrangements
have been made.

You will spend
one week there with Madame--

This is all
very flattering...

but surely
there are other men...

better men.
To tell truth...
you were not
the first choice.

We considered
Russian writer...Tolstoy.

Oh, that's more like it.
The man's a genius.

Too old.
Then we considered

Well, absolutely
first-rate mind.

Uh-uh, too German.
Then we considered

Oh, you couldn't go
wrong with Tchaikovsky.

We could, and we did.
lt was catastrophe.
We don't know.
Because Tchaikovsky--
how shall l put it?
Women...not his glass of tea.
Oh, pity, that.
Madame is very happy
with her final choice.

Madame must not be too hasty.
She must remember
that l am an Englishman.

You know what
they say about us.

lf there's one thing
more deplorable...
