The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes

lt means you little devil.
lt does? l am? Thank you.
l repeat question.
You find Madame
attractive or no?

Oh, l find her
most attractive...

for a woman, that is.
Then no problem.
Maybe a slight one.
You see, l am not a free man.
Not free?
But you are bachelor.
A bachelor living
with another bachelor...

for the last five years.
Five very happy years.
What is it you are
trying to tell us?

Well, l hoped l could
avoid the subject...

but some of us,
through a cruel...

caprice of Mother Nature--
Get to point.
The point is
that Tchaikovsky...

is not an isolated case.
You mean you
and Dr. Watson...

:24:02 your glass of tea?
lf you want to be
picturesque about it.

Believe me, Madame,
the loss is all mine.

But l would rather
disappoint you now...

than disappoint you
in a gondola in Venice.

lt would have been...
