The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes

You think l'd forgotten you?
Some of you will be going
on a little trip soon.

l hate to lose you...
but even an old woman's
got to live.

Though you might well ask why.
Oh. Oh!
You never told me.
We have a letter.

-Got it?
-Yeah. All right.

Come on, you old body.
Right. l'll be taking them.
Morning, duchess.
Good morning.
What have you been
doing with yourself?

What do you think?
Taking dancing lessons.
How many do you
want this time?

Two dozen.
What are you doing
with all those canaries?

What's going on up there?
Now, duchess, we don't know,
and we don't want to know.

When you work for Jonah...
it's better not
to ask questions.

Come on.
Six, eight, ten--get in there.
Fourteen, seventeen--in you go.
Twenty, twenty-four.
How about that letter?
Does that go, too?

No. This is going to be
picked up in person.

Go on.
Right, you got it?
All right. Up.
All right, my pretties.
Back to sleep you go.
