The Vampire Lovers

I have written in full
of how my sister died.

How I, the Baron Hartog,
avenged her death.

The enemies I sought were
no ordinary mortals.

They were murderers
from beyond the grave.

For this ruined castle, where I lay in wait,
had once been the home
of the Karnstein family

and at certain times,
their evil spirits thrust out
from their moldering tombs

and took a kind of human shape
to roam the countryside
and seek for victims to satisfy their need,
their passion, their thirst for blood.
Sometimes, to court its victim,
savoring its enjoyment.

At other times, to strangle
and exhaust at a single feast.

I knew the specter, when satiated,
would return to its grave.
I also knew that without the shroud,
in which it was interred
to cloak its festering body,

there could be no night of rest
for any vampire.
