A Clockwork Orange

. . .though more in than out
for most of you?

Or are you going to attend
to the divine word. . .

. . .and reaIize the punishments
that await unrepentant sinners. . .

. . .in the next worId
as weII as this?

A Iot of idiots you are. . .
. . .seIIing your birthright
for a saucer of coId porridge.

The thriII of theft.
Of vioIence.
The urge to Iive easy.
WeII, I ask you what is it worth. . .
. . .when we have undeniabIe proof. . .
. . .yes, incontrovertibIe
evidence. . .

. . .that heII exists?
I know!
I know, my friends.
I have been informed. . .
. . .in visions. . .
. . .that there is a pIace. . .
. . .darker than any prison. . .
. . .hotter than any fIame
of human fire. . .

. . .where souIs. . .
. . .of unrepentant criminaI sinners
Iike yourseIves--

Don't you Iaugh, damn you!
Don't you Iaugh.

I say, Iike yourseIves. . .
. . .scream. . .
. . .in endIess and
unendurabIe agony.

Their skin. . .
. . .rotting and peeIing.
A firebaII. . .
. . .spinning in their
screaming guts!

I know. Yes, I know!
AII right, you Iot!
We'II end by singing hymn 258. . .

. . .in the prisoner's hymnaI.
And Iet's have a IittIe reverence,
you bastards!

I was a wandering sheep
-Sing up, damn you!
-I did not love the fold

I did not love my shepherd's voice
I would not be controlled
