A Clockwork Orange

I say, Iike yourseIves. . .
. . .scream. . .
. . .in endIess and
unendurabIe agony.

Their skin. . .
. . .rotting and peeIing.
A firebaII. . .
. . .spinning in their
screaming guts!

I know. Yes, I know!
AII right, you Iot!
We'II end by singing hymn 258. . .

. . .in the prisoner's hymnaI.
And Iet's have a IittIe reverence,
you bastards!

I was a wandering sheep
-Sing up, damn you!
-I did not love the fold

I did not love my shepherd's voice
I would not be controlled
It had not been edifying.
Indeed not.

Being in this hellhole
and human zoo for two years now.

Being kicked and tolchoked
by brutal warders...

...and meeting leering criminals
and perverts...

...ready to dribble all over...
...a luscious young malchick
like your storyteller.

It was my rabbit...
... to help the prison charlie
with the Sunday service.

He was a bolshy,
great burly bastard.

But he was very fond of myself,
me being very young...

...and also now very interested
in the Big Book.

I read all about the scourging
and the crowning with thorns.
