Columbo: Death Lends a Hand

- Really?
- A guy came in here about a month ago.

Harmless looking.
An accountant for Mid-Century Oil.

- We were doing a company audit.
- Mr Denning?

I asked you to show the lieutenant around.
I did not suggest that you discuss
our confidential matters

with anyone at any time!
Our clients pay us to be discreet.
Yes, sir.
Won't you come in, Lieutenant?
Sorry about the outburst
but my people have got to learn.

This is a business of trust. I can't
have them gossiping about the clients.

Thank you, Henry. Hope you'll have lunch
with me. Like quenelle of sole?

Er, well, if it's fish, I like fish. Love fish.
It's fish. Drop your coat and dig in.
On the Kennicut case, my men have
come up with an interesting lead.

There were two derelicts seen in the area.
I have their description.
I sent them over to your office, copies.

Right. I'll have that checked out.
Anything new on your end?
Oh, yeah. Yeah, we got a couple of things.
It seems as though Mrs Kennicut
was having an affair, you see?

Boy, this is delicious.
How do you make this stuff?

I'll have a recipe sent over to you.
You were saying?

Yeah. It seems as though Mrs Kennicut,
she was having an affair.

- And, er...
- Oh?

And... When you send the recipe,
would you send it to the house?

- Don't send it to the office.
- Yes, I'll send it to your house.

Yes, she was having an affair
with some golf pro at some country club.

Here's the interesting thing.
Not only were they having an affair, but it
seems as though they were being watched.
