Play Misty for Me

You'll make someone
a tremendous mother.

Too narrow in the pelvis.
I sure appreciate you dropping by, Al.
Come by again sometime, anytime.

Never let it be said
that Sweet Al Monte can't take a hint.

- Who's hinting?
- Hi.

Why, hi there, yourself.
Dave Garver live here?
That depends on your point of view.
This stuff weighs a ton.
Where's the kitchen?

Right inside.
Just come on in and help yourself.

Swing right around the bend there.
I know, David, she's from Chicken Delight.
Look, don't work too hard, my man.
Don't strain yourself.
How come you don't have any beer?
And what is this? A shrunken head?
Does that guy live here?
- I wanted...
- I hope you like steak.

- You look like a steak-and-potatoes type.
- Hang on.

I said to myself,
a nice salad with Roquefort and tomatoes...

...and baked potato with...
- What's going on here?

- Don't send me away.
- No, I want to ask you a question.

I just wanted to surprise you.
What happens if he and I
had been talking business?

Or maybe I have female company
and you come traipsing in with groceries?

That would be some surprise.
I'm sorry.
Keep that stuff.
I think I've lost my appetite.

Hang on a minute.
I'm just trying to tell you something.
I don't understand.
Should I go or stay? What?

I'm telling you there's a telephone,
and I pick it up and I dial it.

You answer and I say,
"What are you doing?"

And I say, "I'll be right over."
Fine. Next time,
why don't we do it that way?

Okay. Any way you like. Next time.
How do you like your steak?
Extremely rare.
That's just how I like mine.
Extremely rare.

I'll get some wine here. A little vino.
Vino! All this and heaven, too!
This is gonna be some dinner.
