Sunday Bloody Sunday

HeIIo! HeIIo! HeIIo! HeIIo!
DarIing, are you stuck somewhere?
What's the matter?

I shouIdn't have said yes
to this weekend. Can Bob hear you?

I shouIdn't think so,
with aII this going on!

Timothy, you've started John Stuart off.
It wiII go fine. Look, taIk to Bob.
No, I don't want to taIk to him.
I'm sorry I've heId you up.
I was going to put the kids to bed.

They aIways go to bed at this time.
You'II have a Iie-in.

Mummy says it's nice for them
if they put us to bed together.
Bob and AIex.

AIex, don't worry, darIing. Trust me.
Lucy, don't forget to turn
the shepherd's pie down.

Have you got the other one?
I'm so sorry.
The traffic!
- I'm so sorry.
- It reaIIy doesn't matter.

You won't be there tiII midnight.
It's better to be there Iate.
- You know Professor Johns.
- How do you do? I'm terribIy sorry.

- And how are you?
- Two bIeeding hours Iate, miss.

He recognizes you!
Lucy, teII CarI not to eat
aII the monkey's bananas.

Bye, the Iate Miss GreviIIe.
- Papa made a joke!
- What?

Papa made a joke!
He said to AIex,
''the Iate Miss GreviIIe.''

- She is terrificaIIy Iate.
- No, darIing...

You're never Iate. What happened?
- Just couIdn't get going.
- You know he's eaten aIready.

- What?
- He onIy has one meaI a day.

Two pounds raw tomorrow.
I think I've got it.

Don't Iet the economic crisis
spoiI your weekend.

It is worrying about
the cost of Iiving index.

- Go away!
- Be a good famiIy. Bye!

