The Anderson Tapes

...of normal sexual relations.
Tell me, how was your love life
at that time?

Just like any other guy.
l was looking.

Looking f or what?
-Love. And what is love?

He was looking f or something
deeper, more lasting.

Something more than just nookie.
That's valid.
Time is getting short
and we've got a graduate.

Anderson is about to leave us
after ten years.

How does the group feel about that?
That's an outpouring of real feeling.
How do you feel about it, Duke?

-Are you sure you wanna know?
-Well, that's what we're here f or.

-Why is that?

-They grabbed ten years of my life.
-You knew the law. You took a chance.

Who are you angry at?
Those sons of bitches that cut
a piece out of this country every day.

Do you characterize their actions
as similar to yours?

Damn right. What's advertising
but a legalized con game?

What the hell's marriage? Prostitution
with a government stamp on it.

What is your stock market?
A fix ed horse race.

Some business guy steals a bank,
he's a big success story.

Some other guy steals
a magazine, and he's busted.

Well, f or my part
l feel deeply moved.

Knowing that he trusts me enough
to say things he really feels.

Saying those things, which l
as a prison official, could--

You can't do shit!
l'm not on parole, l'm finished here.
There's nothing you can do.

Deputy O'Connor, Deputy O'Connor
call your office, call your office.
