The Last Valley

A shrine is still a shrine 30 paces off.
Other villages had mountains
and false trails and clever leaders...

but that didn't save them.
Other villages had shrines.
In your name...
Holy Mother, in your name.
I'm sick of this pig-swill.
By the blood of Christ, Korski'd never let
these stink-pest scum run over him.

Korski'd be king.
Not a weak-gutted lackey.
Korski's dead.
Yes, I'm sorry I let him die.
Sorry I sided with the Captain.
- I'm as good a soldier as him.
- You're wrong.

Korski was a turd.
Be patient.
This Captain's clever and strong.
The best I ever served with...
and we get the women tomorrow.
We'll get bags. The pox on this place.
There's good women in the camp, wine,
dice and good times, and loot to be had.

I've a kid back there. Who'll look after him?
