The Last Valley

In your name...
Holy Mother, in your name.
I'm sick of this pig-swill.
By the blood of Christ, Korski'd never let
these stink-pest scum run over him.

Korski'd be king.
Not a weak-gutted lackey.
Korski's dead.
Yes, I'm sorry I let him die.
Sorry I sided with the Captain.
- I'm as good a soldier as him.
- You're wrong.

Korski was a turd.
Be patient.
This Captain's clever and strong.
The best I ever served with...
and we get the women tomorrow.
We'll get bags. The pox on this place.
There's good women in the camp, wine,
dice and good times, and loot to be had.

I've a kid back there. Who'll look after him?
He'll be there next spring.
If not, you can make another.
You know, they say that
the plague's taken 10,000 men already.

We're blessed with luck to be here.
I'm for staying a week.
Take what we want and the hell with it.

- Sorry, Father, I'm late.
- Next time you're late, no food.

Yes, Father.
They say you can read and write.
I studied at the university in Heidelberg.
Then I taught there. The town was sacked.
Your family were
burghers there? Shopkeepers?

No, at Magdeburg.
I envy you, seeing so many places
and knowing so much.

You needn't.
Before I was your age, I had seen two
brothers murdered, and one dead of plague.
