The Last Valley

They tore the heart out of me
before you were born.

Marry Andreas, he's a good man.
Stay in the valley.

Please, I love you.
You must stay here.
That's all the chance you have.
You will take me with you?
It's better that you stay here.
I'm dead here.
There are tens of thousands of families
with every army.

In the camps, or on the march.
Even at battles.
The outside world is no place for you.
I'll be no trouble to you.
I'll look after you, forage for you,
I'll kill for you. Anything.

And all the time, I'll love you
as no man has ever been loved before.

This, you know I can do.
I love you, but I cannot take you with me.
I am what I am: A killer beast.
I was born in war.
I have no country, no friends, no people.
War is all the wealth I have.
Then share a little of your wealth with me.
Don't sack the village.
Will you never learn?
It is not necessary.
Very well, but you will stay
as part of the bargain.

I'll give you Pirelli, Geddes,
and some weapons...

and you will be in command until I return.
Gruber would eat me up.
If you want a safe place to retreat to,
leave Graf and 10 men.

- No, I need Graf.
- Why don't you stay?

You've all the time in the world.
What's so important about one rotten battle
in an unjust war?
