Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex * But Were Afraid to Ask

- I Will go for her.
- Mr. Milos, you do not understand.

it is not normal...
to experience mature love
for something that has 4 paws!

Hopes that he should know her.
I cannot believe it.
- I cannot.
- The recipe is not working.

I feel It.
Does it want to sit down?

does it want to sit down, Ms.-? I
will speak with you--

Dr. Ross, it is a Daisy.
Ah. Very well.
Take her to my office.
Will have to forgive me.
The sheep has...

sore throat.
Mr. Milos, I am going to have
to call the police.

can we speak?
Do not put it in my office, please.

must not do that.
is not it a beautiful Daisy?
- Yes, it it is.

Mr. Milos,
you are a good man.

I do not want to see it
getting into difficulties.

what I do not believe that he understands is that...
a psychiatric problem.
Really needs to see one--
To someone who devotes himself
to the psychiatry.

I am a general practitioner.
Know that it did not want to make anything bad...
on having brought to this sheep here, but...
have patients: does he know?
With problems of kidneys...
and of the heart, and...
seeing to a sheep like that--
