Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex * But Were Afraid to Ask

is not it a beautiful Daisy?
- Yes, it it is.

Mr. Milos,
you are a good man.

I do not want to see it
getting into difficulties.

what I do not believe that he understands is that...
a psychiatric problem.
Really needs to see one--
To someone who devotes himself
to the psychiatry.

I am a general practitioner.
Know that it did not want to make anything bad...
on having brought to this sheep here, but...
have patients: does he know?
With problems of kidneys...
and of the heart, and...
seeing to a sheep like that--
Hello, Margarita.
Am the doctor Ross.
Doug Ross.
I would like to see
the two again...

but in this moment
my office is full.

Knew that it could help us.
Thank you, doctor.
In fact...
if it could see to alone to Daisy...
perhaps could--
what is.
Any thing.
