Le Charme discret de la bourgeoisie

- What wiII you Iadies have?
- Three teas.

- MiIk or Iemon?
- Lemon for me.

Me, too.
Some miIk, pIease.
I can't stand the sight
of that musician.

Which one?
The ceIIist.
- Why? You don't Iike the ceIIo?
- I detest it.

Do you mind if we change pIaces?
Why not?
PersonaIIy, I reaIIy Iike the ceIIo.
- The sound...
- Most orchestras have dropped them.

Look at that!
If they were young, at Ieast...
- See that?
- See what?

The soIdier sitting over there.
He's a Iieutenant.
- You know him?
- No, why?

He keeps staring at us.
I don't know him.
Neither do I.
Did you notice how sad he Iooks?
True. But Iieutenants often do.
I've aIways wondered why.

I'm terribIy sorry, Iadies,
but we're out of tea.

No tea! What's the meaning of this?
We've been very busy today.
We just served our Iast tea.

- No tea at aII?
- None, Madame.

WiII you have something eIse?
- Then I'II have a coffee
- Me too.

- Me too. With a brandy.
- We don't seII aIcohoI, Miss.

Three coffees, then.
