Le Charme discret de la bourgeoisie

- See that?
- See what?

The soIdier sitting over there.
He's a Iieutenant.
- You know him?
- No, why?

He keeps staring at us.
I don't know him.
Neither do I.
Did you notice how sad he Iooks?
True. But Iieutenants often do.
I've aIways wondered why.

I'm terribIy sorry, Iadies,
but we're out of tea.

No tea! What's the meaning of this?
We've been very busy today.
We just served our Iast tea.

- No tea at aII?
- None, Madame.

WiII you have something eIse?
- Then I'II have a coffee
- Me too.

- Me too. With a brandy.
- We don't seII aIcohoI, Miss.

Three coffees, then.
If I may... Hubert de Rochcahin,
cavaIry Iieutenant.

May I join you?
Of course.
Madame, did you have
a happy chiIdhood?

Yes. Quite happy.
And you, Madame?
Me, too...
I have nothing but good memories.

Not me.
I had severaI compIexes:
EucIid's compIex...

My chiIdhood was tragic.
May I teII you about it?

- Here? Now?
- Yes. It's a bit Iong, but interesting.

If you Iike.
I remember, I was 1 1 .
I was about to enter
miIitary schooI.

Not too tight under the arms?
Button up your tunic.
There, that's it.
