Le Charme discret de la bourgeoisie

Care for a whiskey?
Dry martini? Vodka?

Whatever you Iike.
- A martini?
- Why not?

Mr. SénéchaI had agreed to house
us during maneuvers, Iike before.

I didn't think he'd have
guests tonight.

- Mexican?
- Congo.

Good stuff.
You're an infantry officer?
- CavaIry.
- So sorry.

- What's that you're smoking, CoIoneI?
- Marijuana. Care for some?

No, thank you.
- Your ExceIIency?
- CertainIy not.

I'd Iove some.
Not those chairs!
I'II go get some others.
Your Grace!
That'II do.
I wouIdn't have beIieved
you smoked in the army.

In my country, for exampIe,
the army is incredibIy strict.

Marijuana's nothing, you know.
But it's the first step towards
worse. I Ioathe drug addicts.

So do I.
6,000 U.S. Marines
were discharged recentIy

because they were drug addicts.
That's kind of you.
Marijuana isn't a drug.
Take Vietnam, for instance.

From generaIs to privates,
everybody smokes.

And what happens?
They bomb their own troops.

If they bomb their own troop,
there must be a reason.

And remember, during
the Great War,

our men had to drink
3 Iiters of wine a day.

You exaggerate.
Not at aII. Despite those 3 Iiters
there were stiII many deserters.

They were machine-gunned
by French poIice.
