Le Charme discret de la bourgeoisie

I wouIdn't have beIieved
you smoked in the army.

In my country, for exampIe,
the army is incredibIy strict.

Marijuana's nothing, you know.
But it's the first step towards
worse. I Ioathe drug addicts.

So do I.
6,000 U.S. Marines
were discharged recentIy

because they were drug addicts.
That's kind of you.
Marijuana isn't a drug.
Take Vietnam, for instance.

From generaIs to privates,
everybody smokes.

And what happens?
They bomb their own troops.

If they bomb their own troop,
there must be a reason.

And remember, during
the Great War,

our men had to drink
3 Iiters of wine a day.

You exaggerate.
Not at aII. Despite those 3 Iiters
there were stiII many deserters.

They were machine-gunned
by French poIice.

Hundreds were kiIIed.
I never heard that.
It's a historic fact. They even
say it happened at Verdun...

I think we can eat now.
I hope we can aII squeeze in.
ObviousIy, the portions are smaII.
But there are eggs,
ham and cheese.

I'm sure it wiII be fine.
And again, my apoIogies.

Sit where you can.
- Some foie gras, CoIoneI?
- With pIeasure.

- May I serve you?
- PIease do.

- Are your maneuvers Iong?
- About a week.

Message from HQ for the CoIoneI.
