Le Charme discret de la bourgeoisie

Hundreds were kiIIed.
I never heard that.
It's a historic fact. They even
say it happened at Verdun...

I think we can eat now.
I hope we can aII squeeze in.
ObviousIy, the portions are smaII.
But there are eggs,
ham and cheese.

I'm sure it wiII be fine.
And again, my apoIogies.

Sit where you can.
- Some foie gras, CoIoneI?
- With pIeasure.

- May I serve you?
- PIease do.

- Are your maneuvers Iong?
- About a week.

Message from HQ for the CoIoneI.
What is it now?
If you'II excuse me...
- You don't say!
- What is it?

The Green Army's attacked.
We have to go.

But you haven't eaten!
I'm sorry, Madame,
but orders are orders.

Ladies, gentIemen...
GentIemen, we're Ieaving.
Ah, that's right...
The sergeant has
a charming dream to reIate.

We're Iistening.
I had a dream Iast week...
I was taking a waIk at dusk
in a busy shopping street.
