
The truth is to say
we are full all the day

and empty when
we go to rest.

I know that !
I know that.

Uh, just a minute.
"Full all the day, empty when we go to--"

I know ! It's a pair of shoes !
In this case, one lady's left black shoe,
size six.

The other, I need hardly add,
is on Tea's foot.

God ! Poor Tea.
Poor Tea, eh ? That's better.
Do you know that's the first sign
of sorrow you've shown...

since you heard of her death ?
You wouldn't put it here anyway, or even
upstairs among Marguerite's shoes.

It's too obvious.
- Such grief is touching.

You really are the salt of the
earth, you know that, Andrew ?

By the way, that's a clue,
if you're interested.

"Salt of the earth" ?
Earth ? It's buried !

No, better the other.
Salt. Salt.

Salt and pepper.
saltpeter. Salt water.

Salt cellar. It's in the cellar !
You're really turned on, aren't you, Andrew ?
Even though the game you're playing...
is for your own life,
you're practically having it off.
Shoe ! Shoe. I ask myself,
"if I was a black shoe, where would I hide ?
If I was as black as your hat--
If I was as black as the ace of spades--
If I was as black as--"
- Coal !
