The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean

As she grew...
Rose read the same books
the Judge had read.

I think she thought of him...
the same as one
of them ancient Roman gods.

Looking back...
we had in the person of Teddy Roosevelt...
the finest President
in the history of this country.

He had the spirit and determination
that matched the times and the land.

Then the women got the vote,
and everything went to hell.

While our boys was overseas
fighting the Kaiser...

the women got Prohibition put in.
Drinking and gambling and whoring
were declared unlawful.

All those things which come natural
to men became crimes.

They went right on doing them, of course.
But in hiding.

And as if things weren't bad enough...
oil was discovered in west Texas.
Hoodlums came crawling
out of the woodwork.

Politicians and crime lords
were bedfellows...

and cops became pimps.
It was a generation of vipers.
Gass became the oil-richest man in Texas.
He hired killers and thugs
from the East to run things...

and kept order with his special police.
