The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean

They went right on doing them, of course.
But in hiding.

And as if things weren't bad enough...
oil was discovered in west Texas.
Hoodlums came crawling
out of the woodwork.

Politicians and crime lords
were bedfellows...

and cops became pimps.
It was a generation of vipers.
Gass became the oil-richest man in Texas.
He hired killers and thugs
from the East to run things...

and kept order with his special police.
Those that stood in his way
were shot down in gang wars.

Blood soaked into the mud
of Langtry again.

Miss Bean,
when I acquired the Jersey Lily...

it was without foreknowledge
of the resources that lay beneath.

I mean, it's hardly my fault
that oil was struck here.

You just remember
your dear father's dream, Miss Bean:

hotels, refineries, factories.
You keep my father's name out of this.
I am bending over backwards to be fair.
Take your time about leaving.
One week or two weeks.

You take your time, too, Mr. Gass.
