The Poseidon Adventure

Keep your positions.
Help is on the way.

- Sis!
- Help is on the way.

- Robin, are you all right?
- Yes, sir. I'm all right.

- But I can't...
SUSAN: Robin?

Reverend Scott.
Can you help me?
What are you doing up there, Sis?
That's a stupid question!
- Are you hurt?
- I don't think so.

Just stay perfectly still.
You wait right here.
It'll be all right.
Hold on, Sis.

Over here, everybody!
Listen to me, give me some help.
Gather around.
Pull it tight. Let's make a net.
Tuck it down tight.
All right, boys. Pull it tight.
That's it.

All right, hold on.
Come on, Susan!
Jump, we'll catch you!

I can't!
Don't be afraid! Jump!
Trust us!

Come on, you can make it, Sis!
Come on and jump, Susan!
You can make it.

Susan, you can do it.
Now, come on.

- It's a cinch. Come on!
- That's it, keep coming. Come on.

Come on, jump!
- Are you all right?
- Yes.

- Sis!
- Okay.

Listen to me, everybody!
Listen to me, please!

Please stay where you are!
Reverend Scott?
- Who is it?
- It's me, sir, Acres.

Could you help me down?
I've injured my leg.
