Battle for the Planet of the Apes

And it is my duty to report this to Caesar.
lf my father were a gorilla,
we'd all be learning riding instead ofwriting.

Remember - you are Caesar's son and heir.
Being a good rider isn't enough
for being a good ruler.

Though, in human history, quite a number of
military dictators seem to have thought so.

Now, all ofyou, take your charcoal sticks and
parchments and copy down what l've written.

The best shall be hung from these hooks.
l can think of better things
to hang from those hooks.

- But, Virgil, can we tamper with time?
- Accept my premise.

- What premise?
- Man learned to travel faster than sound.

He could have learned
to travel faster than light.

- We accept.
- Then imagine a musician

giving a live broadcast
from London to New York on a Wednesday.

He then travels faster than light
from London to New York,

where he arrives, as physicists
would confirm, on the previous Tuesday.

Listens to his own broadcast
on the Wednesday, dislikes its quality,

then travels faster than light to London,
in time for him to decide
not to give his broadcast.

Come. l'll prove it to you logically.
Good, Cornelius.
But you've made a mistake here.
You have put a b in place ofthe second p.

Teacher, have you forgotten your own name?
Everyone has always called me ''Teacher'' -
l had forgotten. ''Ape shall never kill Abe.''

Thank you, Cornelius.
That was a very kind thought.

Gorillas? All right, Aldo,
let's start with you.

General Aldo.
