Battle for the Planet of the Apes

He then travels faster than light
from London to New York,

where he arrives, as physicists
would confirm, on the previous Tuesday.

Listens to his own broadcast
on the Wednesday, dislikes its quality,

then travels faster than light to London,
in time for him to decide
not to give his broadcast.

Come. l'll prove it to you logically.
Good, Cornelius.
But you've made a mistake here.
You have put a b in place ofthe second p.

Teacher, have you forgotten your own name?
Everyone has always called me ''Teacher'' -
l had forgotten. ''Ape shall never kill Abe.''

Thank you, Cornelius.
That was a very kind thought.

Gorillas? All right, Aldo,
let's start with you.

General Aldo.
With respect, General Aldo, this is barely
legible and will have to be written again.

Your capital A leans over
like a tent in a high wind.

And your capital K...
''Ape shall never kill Abe.''
No, Aldo, no.
Teacher! Teacher.
You have spoken the unspeakable.

ln all our years of slavery, ''no'' was
the one word we were conditioned to fear.

Caesar has forbidden you
its utterance in perpetuity.

An ape may say no to a human, but
a human may never again say no to an ape.

Tell him you're sorry, Abe, and go home.
l'll put in a good word for you with Caesar.
