
That's too bad. You know,
you really should be
in that big, nice house and all.

I mean, it must get really lonely
rattling around in it all by yourself.

I like being alone.
Oh, I don't.

I dig people too much
to be without them.

But then, that's the trouble today.
People just don't like
each other anymore.

Do you think God is dead?
God. Do you think he's dead?

Didn't even know
he was sick.

What I think, and I've been giving it
a lot of thought lately.

I don't know if I can actually buy
the fact that there's somebody up there.

I mean some body up there.
No. No. I've come to the conclusion
it's a lot simpler than that.

Know what I mean?
- No.
- I mean, say-say God is, oh,
the-the conscience of man.

Wouldn't that scare
the hell out of you?

Well, sure, because if
that's what he really is,

well, then maybe
he really is dying.

Here we are,
Laurel Canyon.
Ah, we made it.

Laurel Canyon.
You said you were going to
the Valley. I'm going into Hollywood.

Okay, what?

Okay, Hollywood's fine with me.
Say, I got a great idea.
Why don't we stop at a coffee shop?

We can... We can continue talking.
You know, I really like talking with you.

- You certainly know how to shovel it,
don't you?
- Huh?

You're broke, right?
And you want some coffee, right?

Only coffee turns out
to be a full-course meal.

And the great conversationalist
over here... that's me...
winds up picking up the tab.

Then if things go according to plan,
and you butter me up,

I'm supposed to lay a few bucks
on you to see you through the day.

Wow, if you haven't got
the most suspicious, rancid mind.
