Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid

I think I'd like to keep him here a while.
I fold, Billy.
Folding three queens, now, are you?
You must be afraid
I'll go out a loser, Bell.

- I guess I just ain't seeing them.
- Well, I'll tell you what...

:17:56 long as I'm breathing,
let's play it straight.

I ain't sold my saddle like you
and the rest of the town boys, Bell.

Or it's just Bob that smells
like street shit over there.

On your knees!
Kiss my ass.
Repent, you son of a bitch!
Sweet Jesus, I repent.
Leave off, Bob! You've gone loco!
I'm going across the street
and have a drink.

I'm thirsty as hell.
I wanna tell you one last thing
personal, Kid.

It's gonna be a loose rope
and a long drop.
