The Last of Sheila

That's all right. That's what they're for.
It's only Sheila's favorite.

All right. Everybody...
down to the latrines for a shave, shower,
or douche, depending on your hang-up.

I think it's fabulous, Clinton.
This is the bathroom.
- You like it?
- It's really beautiful.

What period would you say
it was, Clinton?

Louis XXXIV.
Come on, gang,
let's get this show on the road.

It's fabulous, Clinton. Absolutely fabulous.
- It's like your mother's.
- It's like our maid's.

Tom, Lee, you have to share a john.
Get to know each other.

- Philip.
- Come on, love, let's try it out.

- What's for me, something special?
- Yes.

Can't wait to see it.
I love it! But where does the crew sleep?
Alice and Anthony got the double because
he didn't want her sulking for six days.

- And because he knew you wouldn't sulk.
- Everything with Clinton is points.

Understand? Points.
- Do you understand?
- Too well.

I don't mind Clinton, you know.
I just don't want him running our lives.

Wonderful. Anthony and Alice
have brought their cassette player.

- Bottled water?
- Cabin-o five-o, capice?

Nice little ass,
but I think he's afraid of me.

Now, what do you think we're doing here?
- You're here, too.
- Clinton's project.

Which is?
He's been hinting about making a picture
on the life and death of Sheila Green.

- That is truly bizarre.
- No, not really.

She's still a compulsive subject
with Clinton.

But he never really cared about her.
Yes, he did. He cared about her very much.
He cared a lot about her
Arizona real estate holdings...

which we are sailing on right now.
Finding the guy who hit her
is just another game with Clinton.

Absolutely. But what a game.
