The Last of Sheila

- And because he knew you wouldn't sulk.
- Everything with Clinton is points.

Understand? Points.
- Do you understand?
- Too well.

I don't mind Clinton, you know.
I just don't want him running our lives.

Wonderful. Anthony and Alice
have brought their cassette player.

- Bottled water?
- Cabin-o five-o, capice?

Nice little ass,
but I think he's afraid of me.

Now, what do you think we're doing here?
- You're here, too.
- Clinton's project.

Which is?
He's been hinting about making a picture
on the life and death of Sheila Green.

- That is truly bizarre.
- No, not really.

She's still a compulsive subject
with Clinton.

But he never really cared about her.
Yes, he did. He cared about her very much.
He cared a lot about her
Arizona real estate holdings...

which we are sailing on right now.
Finding the guy who hit her
is just another game with Clinton.

Absolutely. But what a game.
And now Tom gets to write it,
Philip gets to direct it...

and what's her face...
I mean my new client, Miss Alice Wood...

gets to thrill you as Sheila Green,
who rose from call girl to columnist.

Listen, just do me this.
Minutes from now, when Clinton talks
about this, and he will, just be surprised.

Well, I'm thinking of calling it...
Don't be shocked now.

The Last of Sheila.
Fox and Paramount are interested.
It's the perfect woman's picture.

Every bit as big as Love Story.
Except she never gets to play
that good hospital scene.

I think it's the picture
we've been waiting for.

If we're available, of course.
Provided they're not opening a new
shopping center in Anaheim, you will be.

Two hours to game time, gang.
Let me describe
the week's entertainment for you.

The last time I played a game
was charades...

At my house, the night Sheila was killed.
- As a matter of fact, everyone here was...
- Was there.
