The Last of Sheila

That's when you'll get your clue
for this evening.

- For whom are we looking tonight?
- The person with the shoplifter card.

All right, who's got the shoplifter card?
Come on. We're not gonna
really do this, are we?

Run around this bombed-out backwater
with a silver key up our tokhes?

It probably means
that you're the shoplifter.

Is this the only clue we're gonna get?
- It must open a door somewhere.
- Brilliant.

It's a game.
I thought you were going to enjoy it.

Vittorio, honey, I wanna talk to you.
If we're playing...

Stop coming on to Vittorio, Christine.
He doesn't know what the key means
any more than you do.

It's my secret!
Everybody got their key?
Vittorio will be back
to pick you up again at 10:00 sharp.

Be on the docks by that time...
or you'll have to swim back to the boat
through the oil slick and the beer cans.

And no conferring.
This is an individual competition.

Quit pouting, Alice.
You're having a terrific time.
Don't hate me. I followed you.
I know it's against the rules,
but we could knock this off together.

You know, actually, I speak a little frog.
- Christine.
- Just don't tell Clinton I did it, okay?

Look at this chintzy toast rack.
Maybe it's a letter holder.
What do you think?
