The Last of Sheila

It wasn't much more
than me feeling sorry for him.

It didn't last long.
And it's in the past now.
More than ever, right now.
Tom, am I just being slow?
Are you claiming that homosexual card,
meaning you're in the clear?

Because I don't know
about the rest of you.

And I'm in no position to challenge
your little story, charming as it was.

But then it's equally true that Clinton
could've come up with dirty half-truths...

about you, you, you, or any of us.
I mean, what gives you
the exclusive right to that card?

Fair enough. I just looked at the cards
and saw only one that applied to me.

If the same is true of you, Anthony,
then that's another story.

And it may mean
that Clinton's game is invalid.

Are you trying to say
I'm a homosexual now?

Nobody says you're anything.
I just looked at the cards
and said I was the homosexual. That's all.

But that was in the past.
They're all in the past.
Anybody want to say anything?
I mean, if ever there was an "unofficial
investigation," this is it, right?

Or should I tell you that Lee and I
once heard rumors...

about a shoplifting incident
concerning somebody in this room?

Shoplifter, that's me. It's the only one.
I stole a coat. Et cetera, et cetera.
Don't look so shocked, Anthony.
