The Last of Sheila

I just looked at the cards
and said I was the homosexual. That's all.

But that was in the past.
They're all in the past.
Anybody want to say anything?
I mean, if ever there was an "unofficial
investigation," this is it, right?

Or should I tell you that Lee and I
once heard rumors...

about a shoplifting incident
concerning somebody in this room?

Shoplifter, that's me. It's the only one.
I stole a coat. Et cetera, et cetera.
Don't look so shocked, Anthony.
I'll swipe you some ID bracelets
and you'll forget all about it.

All right.
Me for the five scotches.
- Tom, if I may?
- Sure.

That leaves the other four of us
somewhat dangling, wouldn't you say?

What can I say? I was a secretary,
and I was just too eager.

So I dropped a few names to the House
Un-American Activities Committee.

Then those people didn't work for a while.
Now they work.

Sometimes I try and get them work.
Sometimes I see them on the street,
and sometimes they cross the street.

So what?
- There is one thing that confuses me.
- Shoot.

I'm just pursuing a thought,
you understand? But as I see it...
