The Last of Sheila

You wanted Clinton dead, too.
You see, I'd helped Alice...
out of her little unpleasantness
those many years ago.

So when we began playing the game,
looking for a shoplifter...

I knew some ugly truths
would be trotted out.

Not in the least mine.
I wanted it stopped.
As you pointed out so astutely yesterday,
I blundered...

but it gave you the courage to carry on.
What do you think?
Am I gonna get away with it?
You pretended your back was hurting...
to coax Clinton into revealing...
what day your secret would be played.
As long as you're ready
for Saturday night, which is your biggie.

It was only Tuesday. Four days' grace.
Clinton's choice of a location was a gift.
But you had to...
make sure that you found him before
Lee confronted him with the false card.

So you followed me
because I'd been boastful enough to hint...

that I'd figured out the clue.
After my session, you came in...
and proceeded to play Clinton's game
as well as your own.

Maybe if I open the door to the chapel
a little wider?

What the hell?
Then you put on
your little ventriloquist act...

for Christine and Lee. I should've realized.
We'd all seen you impersonate Clinton.
Going over your hand signals
for the bridge tournament?

How'd I feel about what?
You know too much to live.
How convenient for you that Lee...
