The Last of Sheila

But you had to...
make sure that you found him before
Lee confronted him with the false card.

So you followed me
because I'd been boastful enough to hint...

that I'd figured out the clue.
After my session, you came in...
and proceeded to play Clinton's game
as well as your own.

Maybe if I open the door to the chapel
a little wider?

What the hell?
Then you put on
your little ventriloquist act...

for Christine and Lee. I should've realized.
We'd all seen you impersonate Clinton.
Going over your hand signals
for the bridge tournament?

How'd I feel about what?
You know too much to live.
How convenient for you that Lee...
But how inconvenient for you
that she thought quickly...

and arranged everything
to look like an accident.

You must have been furious. So you...
rearranged everything to look like
a murder that looked like an accident.

She had picked up the right stone.
You replaced it with the wrong one.

I'll bet that other stone,
stained with blood, is still in the corner.

As well as the cigarette
that Lee actually smoked.

But, no matter,
you knew that the next day...

when you conducted
your brilliant investigation...

Lee would naturally assume
that she had made the mistake.

And it was brilliant. What better detective
than the man who's committed the crime?

Every hesitant conclusion,
every stumbling interpretation.

And when you suddenly panicked,
protecting your wife...

it was dazzling, dear boy.
