The Laughing Policeman

Holy Christ.
- Hey, I know you.
- You don't know shit.

Well, who's the lady?
Vice boys picked her up
in a hotel bust.

And guess whose name
was in her little book.

- Chivas Regal.
- Get her on tape, Brennan.

- You got it.
- She's nothin'.

Remember Bobby Mow's friend,
Rodney Davis?

- Yeah.
- I got his rap sheet here.

Nothing' on it
but a couple misdemeanors.

And no big time.
Who's checking out the Chinese kid on the bus?
He was just visiting
his sister in the neighborhood.

- Looks clean.
- What do you mean he looks clean?

Coroner told us
the kid was high on reds.

Now, did you bother
to check into a gang connection?

Who the fuck
promoted you, pal?

- I'm just checking, babe. No offense.
- Stay with it, John.

You guys take on this Rodney dude
and bring him in.

- And where are you goin'?
- I'm goin' to court. Meet me there.

I should have known.
The good-boy suit.
Let's have a look
at this bimbo.

Hey, Jake.
Been trying to get you all morning.

Hey, Jimmy.
When's your new assignment?

Shave, haircut, a uniform
and on patrol tomorrow.

Kind of sorry. It's been exciting.
How's the bus thing going?

We're workin' it.
- How's the junk business?
- I got somethin' for ya.

We got a pusher upstairs
name of Dwayne Haygood.

He had a corner junk business,
got burned by one of his customers.

He says he wants to
talk about the bus.

- When does he go up to bat?
- Well, we're taking him to
grand jury tomorrow night.

He's a three-time loser looking for help.
He knows the bus thing is hot.

- Great. I'll pay my respects.
Thanks, Jimmy. Good luck.
- Take care.

Can you handle...
We have a 213 occurred about five minutes ago.
