
All of it quicker than the wind
from a duck's ass. Excuse me...

- Then you ask me to lie to the police.
- It wasn't much of a lie.

If he was killed, it was. This could look
like a pay-off to withhold evidence.

But he wasn't killed.
Mrs Mulwray,
I think you're hiding something.

I suppose I am.
Actually, I knew about the affair.

- How did you find out?
- My husband.

He told you? And you weren't
in the least bit upset?

I was grateful.
- You'll have to explain that.
- Why?

When a wife tells me she's happy
that her husband is cheating on her. -

- It runs contrary to my experience.
- Unless what?
- She was cheating on him.

Were you?
I dislike the word "cheat".
Did you have affairs?
Did he know about it?

I wouldn't run home and tell him
whenever I'd been to bed with another.

- Anything else you want to know?
- Where were you when Hollis died?

- I can't tell you.
- You don't know?

- I can't tell you.
- You were seeing someone too.

- For very long?
- I don't see anyone for very long.

It's difficult for me.
Now, I think you know
all you need know about me.

I didn't want publicity. I didn't want to
go into all of this then, or now.
