Effi Briest

Was it the major's plan?
Yes. As you know,
he was elected unanimously...

to the entertainments committee.
We can look forward to
a pleasant winter at the club.

He's ideal for the position.
will he be acting as well?
He declined to do that...
He could play Arthur von Schmettwitz
quite excellently.

He's just directing.
All the worse.
All the worse?
Oh, don't take me too seriously.
lt's just a way of saying the opposite, really.
On the other hand...
there's something forceful about the major.
He likes doing things over one's head.
One has to do things the way he wants.
What pleased me most...
was my charming little wife,
who turned all heads.

Don't talk like that! l'm vain enough.
Vain enough perhaps...
but not nearly as vain as the others.
-And your 7 beautiful attributes!
-Everyone has 7 beautiful attributes.

A slip of the tongue.
Multiply that number by itself!
How gallant you are.
lf l didn't know you, l might be afraid of you.
Or is there something else behind it?
Do you have a guilty conscience?
Have you been eavesdropping?
